Several students enrolled in Campbell University’s Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law have been selected to receive IOLTA grants. IOLTA stands for the North Carolina State Bar plan for Interest on Lawyer’s Trust Accounts and was established by the State Bar and the North Carolina Supreme Court to generate income from lawyer trust accounts in order to fund programs for students and the general public. Among other services, the program provides civil legal aid to indigents and grants funds for students’ legal education on the basis of need. Campbell law students Crystal Grimes, Carrie Randa, Nikki Reason, Jessica Snowberger and Elizabeth Yager were this year’s IOLTA grant winners. The grants will fund internships for the public service work these students will perform this summer. Crystal Grimes, a second-year student from Holly Springs, N.C., will work as an intern at the Wake County Public Defender’s Office in Raleigh; Carrie Randa, a first-year student from Springfield, Va., will intern at the North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault; second-year student Nikki Reason, of Windsor, N.C, will intern in the Office of the Public Defender in Greenville, N.C.; Jessica Snowberger, a first-year student from Summerville, N.C., will join the North Carolina Legal Aid team in Greensboro, N.C.; and second-year student Elizabeth Yager, of Wilmington, N.C., will also intern with Legal Aid of North Carolina in Smithfield, N.C. “From their first-year orientation through their graduation, we try to instill in our students a keen sense of their professional obligation to serve the public,” said Willis P. Whichard, dean of the law school. “The IOLTA grants give the students who receive them an opportunity for summer public service that could lead to careers in that area. We are proud of the students selected for this program and grateful to the State Bar’s IOLTA program for funding it.”
Campbell law students receive grants from interest on lawyer trust funds