Fifty-eight college students, from universities across the state and local region, arrived today for Campbell University’s 7th annual Healthcare Professionals Readiness & Enrichment Program (H-PREP), a three-day preparatory event designed to help students become stronger applicants for advanced degrees in health care. View more pictures.
The program is geared toward financially disadvantaged and under-represented minority students who are highly qualified in the field of health sciences.
“H-PREP provides a unique opportunity for participants to experience the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences at Campbell through interactions with the cornerstone of the College – the people,” said Kim Dunn, director of admissions and student affairs. “Participants have tremendous exposure and quality-time with faculty, staff and current students, helping them become better prepared for their steps on the road ahead.”
Participants will stay on-campus through Saturday attending a full-schedule of activities including standardized test workshops and professional development seminars.
“I think H-PREP will make me a better applicant because I will know how to study for the GRE…and how to improve my weaknesses,” said Chandni Bhalodia of Raleigh, who is a rising senior NC State. She came to H-PREP to get a better perspective on what Campbell has to offer, and learn about the requirements for the PA Program.
Pinehurst native Amanda D'Ostroph is planning to take the standardized exam for pharmacy schools this June, “I think this will really give me direction with how I want to review for the test.”
D'Ostroph will be a senior this fall at Charleston Southern University in Charleston, S.C. She’s heard a lot of great things about Campbell’s pharmacy program and knew that H-PREP would allow her to meet current students and faculty. “I will be applying to Campbell this fall,” she said. “So I thought I might as well get to know the people since I’m hoping to be around in the future.”
Photo: H-PREP participants visit with current students to learn more about Campbell’s pharmacy program.