Business professor presents research on AI in sales at AMA conference

Dr. Michael Rodriguez, associate professor of the Lundy-Fetterman School of Business, presented his research at the 2023 Atlantic Marketing Conference held by the Atlantic Marketing Association (AMA). Rodriguez’s presentation was titled “Development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Scale in Business to Business (B2B) Sales Process and Conceptual Model: Exploratory Study.”

AMA is an international organization that brings everyday business practices and combines them with the world of academia. The organization provides conferences for members where they can learn and grow as professionals. Conferences give students, faculty and business professionals a chance to publish, discuss and present their findings to other marketing professionals from around the world.

“The AMA is a great opportunity to share research ideas in the area of sales, marketing, and technology,” said Rodriguez. “Everyone who attends is extremely collaborative and supportive of new research ideas”

In his presentation, Rodriguez explored AI’s impact and its relationships with specific outcomes within the sales process.

“We explore current literature on artificial intelligence in sales to measure sales professionals’ perceptions of AI in sales,” he said. “Based on the results, we found out of 79 studies on AI, and only 13 looked at the sales process, therefore validating the need to dive deeper into the use of AI in B2B sales from an empirical perspective.

“We then conceptually identified several items to measure AI and developed a conceptual model proposing AI’s impact on several outcomes identified: sales process effectiveness, administrative efficiency and performance with customers.”

Rodriguez and Northern Illinois University professor Dr. Robert Peterson have been accepted to present their research at the upcoming 2024 American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference this February in St. Pete Beach, Florida.