Campbell Law advocates compete, network and learn at Willem Vis in Vienna

Photo of Campbell Law Advocates at Willem Vis in Vienna

RALEIGH — The 2023 Willem C. Vis team has returned from Vienna, Austria, after a busy week of competing, networking and learning. There were a total of 374 teams in the Willem Vis competition this year, representing almost every country in the world. Nearly 50 of those teams were from the United States, including the Campbell Law School team. The team and coaches would like to thank Hartsell & Williams PA for sponsoring the team.

During the general rounds of the competition, team members Michael Civis ’24 and James Murray ’23 had the pleasure of arguing against the University of Belgrade from Serbia, the University of Montenegro, Doshisha University from Japan and the University of Geneva from Switzerland. The team did not advance to the elimination round of 64 — only 17% of teams advanced — but according to Coach and Professor Raluca Papadima, “that was not due to lack of trying!” It became clear that the competition Campbell Law faced in the general rounds was stiff when Belgrade and Geneva both made it to the round of eight and Belgrade eventually placed second in the competition overall.

While the team did not proceed to elimination rounds, the reasons Campbell Law participates are abundantly clear in speaking with coaches and students.

Co-Coach and Wallace Advocacy Fellow Maeve Healy stated, “The Vis moot is such an incredible opportunity for law students to learn about the interplay of civil and common law jurisdictions. I loved participating as a student and now, sharing the experience as a coach is such a privilege.”

Papadima added, “The chance to learn about and interact with legal cultures from across the world is invaluable.”


Since its founding in 1976, Campbell Law School has developed lawyers who possess moral conviction, social compassion, and professional competence, and who view the law as a calling to serve others. Among its accolades, the school has been recognized by the American Bar Association (ABA) as having the nation’s top Professionalism Program and by the American Academy of Trial Lawyers for having the nation’s best Trial Advocacy Program. Campbell Law boasts more than 4,700 alumni, who make their home in nearly all 50 states and beyond. In 2024, Campbell Law is celebrating 45 years of graduating legal leaders and 15 years of being located in a state-of-the-art facility in the heart of North Carolina’s Capital City.