Campbell students reach out

The Campbell University Social Work Club sponsored a Homeless Outreach Project on Feb. 9, 2008 in Raleigh at Moore Square.Social Work majors, Hannah Bowen and Amy Brookshire participated in the outreach.”This was more than just a day of going up to help the needy,” said Bowmen. “It took several months of preparation.”Before the Christmas break, the students set up boxes in campus housing designated to collect any clothes that students did not want or need. By the end of January, they had filled numerous boxes full of clothes. They purchased food such as packaged crackers, bagels, juice, and granola bars for the homeless to eat.”We began our day with a prayer that God would help us to be selfless and compassionate towards these people in a way that could glorify God,” said Bowmen. “The actual outreach went very well, and the people were very eager to get the clothes and food. I feel that it was a big success not only to give out the clothes but to show compassion that the homeless may not see on a regular basis.”Both girls encourage everyone to take part in community service.”Community service is important because it promotes awareness for the world you live in and the great needs to be met within the area,” said Brookshire. “For social work majors, it helps to give us a heart of servant hood that we’ll use throughout our careers and in our personal lives. Through becoming more aware of the state of our community, we can then use our creativeness to seek out ways to better our communities. The experiences gained from community service are priceless.”Photo Copy: L-R Hannah Bowen and Kathryn Ennis participated in the Homeless Outreach Project on Feb. 9, 2008 in Raleigh at Moore Square. Photo by Dianne McClary.

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