Craver receives Campbell University’s Full Tuition Scholarship

Buies Creek, N.C.-Daniel Scott Craver of High Point, N.C. has received the Campbell University Full Tuition Scholarship. Craver would like to pursue a degree in Trust and Wealth Management at Campbell.

A graduate of Wesleyan Christian Academy in High Point, Craver was a member of the Varsity soccer and tennis teams (2009 tennis team’s Most Valuable Player), the Student Government Association, the French Club, the senior Beta Club, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (Leadership Team) and the Diakonos Service Club. He was inducted into the National Honor Society and achieved the rank of Eagle Scout in the Boys Scouts of America. An AP Scholar, Craver received the DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) Good Citizenship Award for the Alexander Martin Chapter.

He credits his family, friends and the staff and faculty at Wesleyan Christian Academy for his winning performance in the Full Tuition Scholarship Competition.

“I wouldn’t be in this position today if it were not for all of them encouraging me to pursue excellence through glorifying Christ,” Craver said.

Craver believes that his generation should become more involved in government and issues affecting them. “We should be the generation that starts to care,” he said.

Craver is the son of Dow and Beth Craver. He has a brother, Chad, and a sister, Sarah.

Photo Copy: Daniel Craver