Creation vs. Evolution controversy topic of upcoming lecture

BUIES CREEK – The Student Government Association will host a lecture on the always controversial topics of evolution and creation on Feb. 21.

“Beyond the Creation vs. Evolution Debate: A Forum on Christian Approaches to Evolution” is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. at Turner Auditorium in the D. Rich Building. A welcoming reception will be held at 5:30 p.m. in front of the building.

Denis O. Lamoureux, associate professor of Science & Religion at St. Joseph’s College, University of Alberta, will be the featured speaker. Lamoureux holds three earned doctoral degrees — dentistry, theology and biology — and his academic specialty focuses on the modern origins controversy.

He is a member of the executive council of the Canadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation, and a Fellow of the American Scientific Affiliation. He is also a member of the Evangelical Theology Society and the Canadian Evangelical Theological Association.

Lamoureux lectures throughout Canada and the United States in both Christian and public academic institutions. He has debated leading anti?evolutionists, including Phillip Johnson, Michael Behe and Jonathan Wells.

His lecture on Feb. 21 will introduce the different views on origins. Audience members may submit responses and questions to a panel including Dr. Lamoureux and four Campbell professors.


Click the following link for directions and more information: