CU School of Pharmacy welcomes Class of 2012 with white coat ceremony

Buies Creek – Campbell University’s School of Pharmacy officially welcomed 108 new students into its doctoral program on Sunday, August 10.  Each of the students were presented with a white coat, emblazoned with the School of Pharmacy patch. “This white coat is a symbol of your commitment to the pharmacy profession,” Dean Ronald Maddox, PharmD, appealed to the Campbell University School of Pharmacy Class of 2012. “The white coat symbolizes professionalism, integrity, high moral values, high standards, empathy, compassion and humanness.”            Selected from more than 2,000 applicants, the new P1 students have successfully navigated a rigorous application process — based on strong academic records, interviews and practical experience.            During their time at Campbell, students will be required to wear the white coat in all clinical situations.  Though new students are issued short white coats, they will be allowed to wear a knee-length coat upon graduation.                         The white coat should be seen as a visible presentation of a pharmacy student’s commitment to professionalism, said keynote speaker Heather Massengill, PharmD.  Dr. Massengill, a 2000 graduate of Campbell University School of Pharmacy, is President of the Campbell University School of Pharmacy Alumni Association.             “We [as pharmacists] are not hiding behind a counter any more.  We’re making rounds with doctors, we’re seeing our own patients and making patient care decisions,” said Massengill.  “We must maintain professionalism to earn respect from our patients and other health care professionals.”Massengill received her undergraduate, MBA and pharmacy degrees from Campbell University.  She completed a Drug Information Specialty Residency with GlaxoSmithKline in the Medical Information Department during 2000-2001.  In 2001, she joined GlaxoSmithKline, based in RTP, full time and has supported Lamictal since that time. In addition to her product responsibilities, she also functions as the director of the residency program, participates on the social committee, serves as a mentor to new hires, precepts students, and has completed a rotation as a sales representative.             The Campbell University School of Pharmacy was established in 1986 as the first new school of pharmacy to open in the United States in 35 years. The school is a member of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. Additional courses are taught at the School of Pharmacy Department of Clinical Research located on Campbell University’s RTP campus.

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