Just days after Hurricane Fran left a path of destruction through much of North Carolina in September of 1996, Campbell University — still recovering from damage caused by the storm — added its own silver lining to the dark clouds with the opening of its Divinity School.
With no power on campus that day, the first Divinity students gathered for classes at nearby Memorial Baptist Church. The packed sanctuary and sense of hope — even in the aftermath of a storm — made for a memorable beginning.
Plans were in place to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Campbell’s sixth school in 2021, but those plans were set aside as the University rebounded from another setback, the COVID-19 pandemic. That long-awaited celebration will come to fruition on Thursday with an afternoon of gratitude, worship and memories of the past (now) 27 years.

The Divinity School’s 25th Anniversary event will begin at 3 p.m. on Thursday with a gratitude reception with donors at the Oscar N. Harris Student Union, followed by a worship service at 4 p.m. in Butler Chapel led by Dr. Michael Cogdill, the school’s founding dean who stepped down in 2009.
Cogdill’s goal with the school from Day 1 was to provide a Christ-centered, Bible-based and ministry-focused theological education.
“This is the DNA of this Divinity School,” he says. “To love the Lord with all of our hearts and minds, to learn all we can about the Bible and to serve God’s people. We encourage our students to make this commitment their personal mission statement.”
Following the worship service, Divinity School staff will host campus tours and a coffee hour in Room 118 of Taylor Hall. The evening will culminate with an alumni dinner at the Student Union.
Registration is open through Thursday online here.
Also Read: Divinity School’s mission statement remains strong 25 years after founding