Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc. is one of three professional pharmacy fraternities within the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences. On July 18, the Brothers met for the 60th Grand Council Convention. The convention included networking opportunities, speakers and sessions, business meetings, and an awards reception recognizing Brothers and Chapters for their many achievements during the past year. Campbell’s Delta Lambda chapter received three awards: the Community Impact Award, Collegiate Award and Innovation Award.
The Community Impact Award is presented to the Collegiate Chapter whose participation in local philanthropy was creative, unique, and impactful. Delta Lambda participated in 16 service events throughout the year with a total of 394 Brother hours donated. Events included a school supply drive for the Boys and Girls Club, roadside cleanup, making of book marks and refilling book boxes, assembling toiletry bags and making blankets for the homeless, Reach Out and Read education and book donations, hosting a thank you breakfast for facilities staff, blood pressure mock OSCE, Thanksgiving dinner donation, Pharmacist for a Day grant, and Big Bats Scholarship softball game.
Dr. Andy Bowman (’93 PharmD), Kappa Psi Brother and Co-Advisor, director of Continuing Professional Education, and assistant professor of Pharmacy Practice, shared, “Showing initiative, teamwork, enthusiasm and success can be contagious. Little did Delta Lambda know when they received their much-deserved accolades at the Kappa Psi National Convention, that they sparked a fire with the Kappa Psi Buies Creek Graduate Chapter. Jordan Ballou (’15 PharmD), clinical associate professor of Pharmacy Practice at the University of South Carolina College of Pharamcy, CPHS alum and Delta Lambda Brother was in attendance at the convention. As she watched the Delta Lambda Brothers from her alma mater receive their awards, she was inspired to reach out to the Brothers in the Buies Creek Graduate Chapter.
Receiving these awards was an immense honor, and was only possible because of every single member’s dedication to bettering the Brotherhood and the profession of pharmacy. – Aubrey LaVoie
Bowman continued, “The Graduate Chapter owed three years of back dues to the Kappa Psi National Office and had not been active for some time. Dr. Ballou emailed the alumni membership asking for funds to return the Graduate Chapter to active status. Within less than 24 hours, graduate Brothers made contributions to clear the debt. Lesson learned, you never know how your hard-work, enthusiasm and success will motivate others. These young people made me Camel Proud.”
The Collegiate Award is given to the top performing chapters. Chapters must receive greater than 85% of total points on the chapter progress report form. Every year the students must submit a chapter progress report that requires in-depth details of the organization and administration, new member recruitment and training, engagement, and province and international meetings. The chapter is also asked questions about the fraternity’s participation in other pharmacy organizations, attendance at national meetings and advocacy events, as well as social and service activities.
Kappa Psi has proven themselves once again through demonstrable flexibility, initiative, creativity, and leadership to grow and flourish. – Dr. Carter
More than one-third of the members served on the executive board of at least one other pharmacy organization at Campbell. Nearly all of the members are a part of at least one other organization. The Brothers’ presence on campus outside of their chapter allowed them to earn a lot of points and push them to the title of Top Performing Chapter.
Dr. Charles A. Carter, Kappa Psi Brother and Co-Advisor, and Department of Pharmaceutical & Clinical Sciences Chair, noted, “Kappa Psi has proven themselves once again through demonstrable flexibility, initiative, creativity, and leadership to grow and flourish. As an organization, Kappa Psi continues to make outstanding contributions to CPHS, Campbell University, and the surrounding community. They organized activities, events, and programs that have produced a positive impact on the quality of student life. Their deliberate and intentional acts of service to one another as a diverse group of fraternal Brothers is palpable – they are united and supportive of one another. While it may be anecdotal, they behaved and functioned as ‘We are stronger together’– and thus generated a mutual appreciation and respect for each other.”
“They consistently remained focused on prioritizing personal health, social health, general well-being, mental health, and life-skills development. Watching these professional students grow into healthcare professionals who will function effectively as a part of an interdisciplinary team to meet existing and future healthcare needs while providing leadership within the profession is truly exciting to me,” Carter remarked.
The Innovation Award for New Member Recruitment and Education is presented to a collegiate chapter whose new member programming was innovative and represented the ideals of the Fraternity. New activities and events were developed with multiple contingency plans as the COVID-19 pandemic still had a strong influence on the state and University. Students participated in innovative, philanthropic and service focused events. “Though this year may not have been exactly as planned, the perseverance of our Brothers and new members allowed us to grow as a Brotherhood and serve our community,” shared Jessica Hamilton (’24 PharmD Candidate).
Professional fraternities bring about opportunities for deeper community, professional growth, fellowship, fun, scholarships, awards, educational and philanthropic opportunities, and the ability to be a part of a lasting tradition. Kappa Psi is the oldest and largest pharmacy fraternity with a mission to develop leaders who have a passion for service to their community while creating lifelong professional connections. The website even states, “Once a Brother of Kappa Psi, you become a Brother for life.”
“As a chapter, we hold ourselves to a very high standard. We are constantly striving to make an impact both on campus and in our community. Receiving these awards was an immense honor and was only possible because of every single member’s dedication to bettering the Brotherhood and the profession of pharmacy,” concluded Kappa Psi President, Aubrey LaVoie (’24 PharmD/MSPH Candidate).