Science professor looks at God’s Word for environmental answers

What does the Bible say about protecting our environment? Dr. John Bartlett of the Campbell University Biology Department will explore scriptural teachings on environmental stewardship in a series of lectures held Wednesday nights at 6:30 p.m. at Memorial Baptist Church in Buies Creek. The lectures are scheduled for April 11, 18 and 25.Among other topics, Bartlett will focus on the eight principles of Christian environmental stewardship, stewardship as action, stewardship as worship and effective discipleship in an “Earth Culture.””We’re trying to encourage people to come out and learn what the Bible has to say about conservation,” said Bartlett. “This is God’s creation, and he loves it. We ought to love it too.”The series will explore hot topic issues such as the use of hybrid cars versus gasoline, recycling and locally-grown produce versus organic.”Even though it is grown without the use of pesticides, organic produce often has to be shipped cross-country, creating a huge environmental footprint by virtue of just transporting the product,” Bartlett said. “The biggest message I want people to take home is that God wants to bless us through his creation. Creation helps us worship. Every little ant, every little creature is a miracle and should direct our thoughts to our creator.”A native of Virginia, Bartlett is eminently qualified in the environmental sciences. He received a Bachelor of Science in forestry and wildlife from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and a master’s degree in wildlife and fisheries science from the University of Tennessee. Bartlett went on to earn a doctorate in wildlife ecology from the University of Maine. Prior to joining the Campbell faculty in 2002, Bartlett worked as a research wildlife ecologist for the U.S. Department of Agriculture.Photo Copy: Dr. John Bartlett of the Campbell University Biology Department

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