Staley Lecture to feature author Cole Arthur Riley Oct. 17

Author Cole Arthur Riley will be the guest speaker at the Office of Spiritual Life Inaugural Staley Lecture at 6 p.m. on Oct. 17 in Butler Chapel. 

Cole Arthur Riley is a liturgist, writer and speaker. She is the author of This Here Flesh is also the creator of Black Liturgies, a space that integrates spiritual practice with “Black emotion, Black literature and the Black body.” Riley is also curator for The Center for Dignity and Contemplation.

The purpose of this OSL Lecture Series is to invite innovative and relevant practitioners to speak from their expertise, passion, and faith formation while inviting college students to consider their own gifts, talents and calling, according to the Rev. Louisa Ward, dean for spiritual life and campus minister.

As a result, this series will produce “something tangible for our community to create or participate in that contributes to the spiritual health and formation of our campus each year.” That tangible item will be a liturgy and prayer book written by the Campbell community for the Campbell community. 

All students are invited to the lecture, as well as community and church members. The lecture will be held during Homecoming Week in October.