Students to present findings on Sunshine Law response in NC Students to present findings on Sunshine Law response in NC BUIES CREEK, N.C.-County officials in only 25 of North Carolina’s 100 counties fully responded to requests for public documents,… More on this post April 25, 2010
Skillet sizzles Skillet sizzles Doors opened for the concert at 6:30 and the line of people wrapped around the block. On April 23,… More on this post April 25, 2010
Campbell student crowned Miss Indian North Carolina Campbell student crowned Miss Indian North Carolina Campbell University has had many students become beauty queens throughout the years, but Elizabeth Qua Lynch has earned the… More on this post April 20, 2010
New web portal makes meeting CE requirements more manageable for pharmacists New web portal makes meeting CE requirements more manageable for pharmacists Buies Creek, N.C.-Fifteen hours of continuing education (CE) credit is not always easy to come by for full-time pharmacists… More on this post April 19, 2010
National Religion Honor Society Holds Induction National Religion Honor Society Holds Induction The Department of Religion and Philosophy at Campbell University conducted its annual Theta Alpha Kappa induction Wed., April 14,… More on this post April 18, 2010
Inasmuch marks end of year, beginning of relationships Inasmuch marks end of year, beginning of relationships In the midst of upcoming finals, impending graduation and dreams of summer plans, hundreds of Campbell students and faculty… More on this post April 18, 2010
Candidates for N.C. Supreme Court & Court of Appeals present at Campbell Law Candidates for N.C. Supreme Court & Court of Appeals present at Campbell Law RALEIGH, N.C. – The Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law at Campbell University was honored to host the entire… More on this post April 18, 2010
Campbell University Divinity School Signs Agreement with Mount Olive College Campbell University Divinity School Signs Agreement with Mount Olive College Buies Creek – Ministers and students in eastern North Carolina interested in graduate theological education can now apply for… More on this post April 15, 2010
Campbell Choral Society to perform Mendelssohn’s “Elijah” Campbell Choral Society to perform Mendelssohn’s “Elijah” Buies Creek, N.C.-Regarded as one of German composer Felix Mendelssohn’s most brilliant works, the Campbell University Choral Society will… More on this post April 12, 2010
Campbell Holds 9th annual Honors Banquet Campbell Holds 9th annual Honors Banquet Photo Copy: Campbell University held its 9th annual College of Arts and Sciences Honors Program banquet on Tuesday, April… More on this post April 12, 2010