Campbell Law 4th annual bike ride raises awareness, funds for student Pro Bono Projects

RALEIGH — Campbell Law School hosted its Fourth Annual Fundraising Bike Ride on Saturday, Oct. 22, to raise awareness and support for the law school’s student-led Pro Bono Projects.
The ride, which was co-sponsored by TREK Bikes, Crabtree Mall, Raleigh Brewing Co., Raleigh Magazine, Attorney at Law Magazine, METRO and Brand Fuel, supported the efforts of the Campbell Law Pro Bono Council‘s 10 student-led projects and kicked off National Pro Bono Week.
More than 80 participants raised more than $1,700 during the event. Click this link to access the event’s photo gallery.
“A big thanks to everyone who came out and supported our Campbell Law Pro Bono Projects by riding and volunteering,” said Brigette C. Kelly ’23, director of the law school’s Pro Bono Council. “And a huge thanks to Raleigh Brewing for hosting, TREK Bikes for their SAG wagon support, Crabtree Mall for the gift cards, Chelsea Cafe for the food and Larry Karan for the live music!”
The Pro Bono Council Projects include:
- Campbell Law Innocence Project (CLIP)
- Capital Area Teen Court
- Death Row Visitation
- Domestic Violence Advocacy Project (DVAP)
- Education Law
- Expunctions
- Immigrant & Refugee Rights Project (IIRP)
- Veterans
- Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)
- Wills/Advance Directives
Save the date for next year’s Fifth Anniversary Bike Ride set for Oct. 21, 2023! #LetsRide