Campbell Law needs your help in defending title in 2022 Legal Feeding Frenzy

RALEIGH — Campbell Law School is once again competing in the 2022 North Carolina Legal Feeding Frenzy — a “food and fund” drive competition among all North Carolina law firms, law schools and organizations to assist Feeding The Carolinas’ Food Banks that runs from March 1-31. But this year is different as Campbell Law is the reigning champion and students, faculty and staff are eager to keep the title, says Pro Bono Council Managing Director Jillian Camp ’22.
In this friendly competition, the law school, firm or organization that raises the most food (based on a per person average — attorneys and staff) will be awarded the prestigious and highly coveted “Attorney General’s Cup.” An annual joint program of the N.C. Attorney General Josh Stein, North Carolina Bar Association (NCBA)’s Young Lawyers Division, North Carolina Bar Foundation (NCBF) and Feeding the Carolinas food banks, the competition aims to fight hunger across North Carolina by uniting the legal community in support of local food banks.
“The legal feeding frenzy is especially important this year, as many local food banks are still struggling to meet the increased demand caused by the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Raven Byrne, director of student life and pro bono programs.
Every dollar donated equals nine meals that can be provided through local N.C. food banks. Supporters can help the Campbell Law team’s fight against hunger by donating at this link.
The 2022 N.C. Legal Feeding Frenzy will officially kick off on Tuesday, March 1, at which time teams may begin collecting physical and monetary donations, both in-person and online.
Stein will recognize the N.C. Legal Feeding Frenzy winners in a virtual ceremony. In addition to the Attorney General’s Cup, Stein will present additional awards in categories including: Sole Practitioner, Small Firm, Medium Firm, Large Firm, Law School, Public Interest, and Corporate/In-House Counsel. Government/public interest offices and corporate legal departments are encouraged to participate as well and will be grouped into the categories listed above based on size.
Please contact Camp at to volunteer or for more information.
Since its founding in 1976, Campbell Law School has developed lawyers who possess moral conviction, social compassion, and professional competence, and who view the law as a calling to serve others. Among its accolades, the school has been recognized by the American Bar Association (ABA) as having the nation’s top Professionalism Program and by the American Academy of Trial Lawyers for having the nation’s best Trial Advocacy Program. Campbell Law boasts more than 4,400 alumni, who make their home in nearly all 50 states and beyond. In 2021, Campbell Law is celebrating 45 years of graduating legal leaders and 12 years of being located in a state-of-the-art facility in the heart of North Carolina’s Capital City.