Campbell Law students, faculty, staff recognized at 45th annual awards banquet

RALEIGH — Campbell Law School awarded and recognized distinguished members of the law school for their academic achievements and contributions to the law school community during the 45th Annual Family Day Law Awards Banquet on April 2 at the Marriott Raleigh City Center.
Professor Zachary C. Bolitho was named “Professor of the Year,” following a vote of the student body. Bolitho teaches courses in Criminal Procedure, Criminal Law, Evidence, Federal Courts and Trial Advocacy. He is an accomplished educator, having been named “Professor of the Year,” for the fourth time (2014-15, 2015-16, 2018-19, 2021-22). Prior to coming to Campbell Law, Bolitho served as a federal prosecutor with the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Tennessee, where he prosecuted a wide variety of cases in U.S. District Court. He also regularly briefed and argued cases before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. Other finalists for this award include: Bobbi Jo Boyd, Marcus Gadson, Suzanna Geiser, Anthony Ghiotto, Lisa Lukasik and Richard Waugaman.
Campbell Law also recognized academic achievements at the banquet. Duncan Murchison ’24 was awarded the “First-Year Academic Achievement Award for 2020-2021,” and Aryana Ainolhayat ’23 was awarded the “Second-Year Academic Achievement Award for 2020-2021.” Miriam Sheppard ’22 was awarded the Jane Perkinson Memorial Scholarship on behalf of Barbri. Trenor Bender ’22 was awarded the Kaplan PMBR Scholarship, and Melvin Holland ’22 was awarded the Themis Bar Review Scholarship.
In addition to the “Professor of the Year” award, Campbell Law’s Student Bar Association leaders also distributed a number of student-voted awards to professors and staff at the banquet.
Professor Marcus Gadson was recognized as the “First-Year Professor of the Year.” Finalists included: Professors Johnny Chriscoe, Shawn Fields, Lisa Lukasik and Matthew Sawchak.
Adjunct Professor Joshua Walthall was recognized as the “Adjunct Professor of the Year.” Finalists included: Adjunct Professors Rick Glazier, LaToya Powell and Paul Ridgeway.
Professor Suzanna Geiser received the “LRW Professor of the Year” award. Finalists included: Professors Robert Montgomery, Tom Patrick, LaToya Powell and Joshua Walthall.
Director of Externships Niya Fonville was recognized as the “Administrator of the Year.” Finalists included: Lisa Clark, April Giancola, Sha Hinds-Glick and Christine Nunn.
Jennifer Garcia ’22 was awarded the David Teddy Innovative Leadership Award. This award is given annually to a Campbell Law student who demonstrates “a keen sense of leadership and service to the law school.” Finalists included: Jillian Camp, Maren Lowrey, Parker Lucas and Lillie Rhodes.
Campbell Law also recognized the National Security and Military Law Student Association as the “Student Organization of the Year.” Finalists included: the Black Law Student Association, the Hispanic Law Student Association, Lambda Law and Women in Law.
More photos of the event can be found at this link.
Since its founding in 1976, Campbell Law School has developed lawyers who possess moral conviction, social compassion, and professional competence, and who view the law as a calling to serve others. Among its accolades, the school has been recognized by the American Bar Association (ABA) as having the nation’s top Professionalism Program and by the American Academy of Trial Lawyers for having the nation’s best Trial Advocacy Program. Campbell Law boasts more than 4,500 alumni, who make their home in nearly all 50 states and beyond. In 2021, Campbell Law celebrated 45 years of graduating legal leaders and 12 years of being located in a state-of-the-art facility in the heart of North Carolina’s Capital City.