Campbell to hold Walter Barge Honors Colloquium Campbell to hold Walter Barge Honors Colloquium Buies Creek, N.C.—Campbell University will hold the annual Walter Barge Honors Colloquium on Wed., April 13, at 5 p.m.… More on this post April 12, 2011
Robert Wellons receives Campbell University’s Free Enterprise Award Robert Wellons receives Campbell University’s Free Enterprise Award Raleigh, N.C.—Robert P. Wellons, of Dunn, N.C., received Campbell University’s Adam Smith Club Free Enterprise Award at a banquet… More on this post April 7, 2011
Durham pharmacist receives award from Campbell University Durham pharmacist receives award from Campbell University Durhampharmacist Jennifer Burch, PharmD, received the 2011 M. Keith Fearing, Jr. Community Pharmacy Practice Award from Campbell University on… More on this post April 1, 2011
Campbell science experiment detects miniscule amounts of radiation from Japanese explosion Campbell science experiment detects miniscule amounts of radiation from Japanese explosion Buies Creek, N.C.—Campbell University Physics Professor Jason Ezell expected radioactive particles to reach the United States’ atmosphere after the… More on this post April 1, 2011
Public Affairs representative for Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to speak at Campbell Public Affairs representative for Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to speak at Campbell Buies Creek, N.C.—Campbell University’s World Religions and Global Cultures Center (WRGCC) presents a conversation with Steve Bodhaine, a representative… More on this post March 30, 2011
The Campbell University Choir will present “Ireland Concert” The Campbell University Choir will present “Ireland Concert” Buies Creek, N.C.—Fresh from a tour of Ireland, the Campbell University Choir will perform Tuesday, March 29, at 8… More on this post March 28, 2011
From Beethoven to Clapton, Jazz and Percussion ensembles heat up Campbell stage From Beethoven to Clapton, Jazz and Percussion ensembles heat up Campbell stage Buies Creek, N.C.—CampbellUniversity’s Jazz and Percussion Ensembles are set to perform on the Scott Concert Hall stage on Tuesday,… More on this post March 28, 2011
Campbell to present apartheid drama, “My Children! My Africa” Campbell to present apartheid drama, “My Children! My Africa” Buies Creek, N.C.—Thami and Isabel are from two different worlds separated by an oppressive racial system. “My Children! My… More on this post March 23, 2011
Wells explores the meaning of biblical locusts Wells explores the meaning of biblical locusts Buies Creek, N.C.–Locust plagues were sometimes used biblically as agents of God’s wrath against those who opposed Him. In… More on this post March 23, 2011
Kearney’s story inspires Kearney’s story inspires Buies Creek, N.C.—Like most students who come to college for the first time, James Kearney sat on the edge… More on this post March 23, 2011