Pipe organ turns out to be unique recruiting tool Pipe organ turns out to be unique recruiting tool Buies Creek, N.C.-It wasn’t the quality of academic programs or the pleasant rural atmosphere that drew former Sacred Music… More on this post September 10, 2009
Scholarship honors memory of Boone pharmacist Scholarship honors memory of Boone pharmacist Buies Creek, N.C.-The Campbell University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences has announced a scholarship in memory of alumnus… More on this post September 1, 2009
Campbell’s Gore receives national honor Campbell’s Gore receives national honor Buies Creek, N.C.-Campbell University ROTC Human Resource Technician Rosemarie Gore was named the 2009 ROTC top Human Resource Technician… More on this post September 1, 2009
Campbell students set to teach piano lessons Campbell students set to teach piano lessons Buies Creek, N.C.- Campbell University piano students get to reverse roles when they slip into teachers’ shoes to complete… More on this post August 30, 2009
Campbell to offer Special Education teacher certification Campbell to offer Special Education teacher certification Buies Creek, N.C.-According to the National Center for Education Statistics in 2006-2007, 13.6 percent of all public school students… More on this post August 30, 2009
Sweet attends Cadet Troop Leader Training Sweet attends Cadet Troop Leader Training Campbell University ROTC student, Justin Sweet, attended Cadet Troop Leader Training (CTLT) at Ft. Campbell, Ky. this summer. The… More on this post August 26, 2009
Campbell’s College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences holds convocation Campbell’s College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences holds convocation Buies Creek, N.C.-Campbell University’s College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences welcomed new and returning students at the 24th opening… More on this post August 26, 2009
Art exhibit on display at Campbell University Art exhibit on display at Campbell University A collection of watercolors, paintings and quilts are on display at the E.P. Sauls Gallery of the Taylor Bott… More on this post August 19, 2009
Starita hones academic expertise at international gang training conference Starita hones academic expertise at international gang training conference Buies Creek, N.C.- Already the author of a book on the Salvadoran gang MS-13, Dr. Cynthia Starita, assistant professor… More on this post August 19, 2009
Freshmen file in for Camel 101 Freshmen file in for Camel 101 Buies Creek-Before they can take Western Civ, freshman English or college algebra, Campbell University students must learn the fundamentals… More on this post August 17, 2009