Robert Wellons receives Campbell University’s Free Enterprise Award Robert Wellons receives Campbell University’s Free Enterprise Award Raleigh, N.C.—Robert P. Wellons, of Dunn, N.C., received Campbell University’s Adam Smith Club Free Enterprise Award at a banquet… More on this post April 7, 2011
Kwok named Dean of Campbell library Kwok named Dean of Campbell library Buies Creek, N.C.—Borree Kwok has been named dean of Campbell University’s Wiggins Memorial Library. Kwok has served as Director… More on this post April 7, 2011
Campbell Choral Society celebrates the resurrection of Christ Campbell Choral Society celebrates the resurrection of Christ Buies Creek, N.C.—The story of Christ’s birth, death and resurrection is the theme of the Campbell University Choral Society’s… More on this post April 6, 2011
Campbell hosts conference on education in the 21st century Campbell hosts conference on education in the 21st century Buies Creek, N.C.—Educators from across the state shared ideas and expertise during an Eta State Professional Development Day sponsored… More on this post April 6, 2011
Legislative redistricting is subject of Campbell’s Lecture Symposium Legislative redistricting is subject of Campbell’s Lecture Symposium Buies Creek, N.C.—Dr. Timothy O’Rourke of Virginia Wesleyan College, N.C. Representative David Lewis and Raleigh Attorney Phil Strach will… More on this post April 6, 2011
Campbell team takes Carolinas Cup Campbell team takes Carolinas Cup Buies Creek, N.C.—Campbell University PGA Golf Management students beat out four other universities to win the 2011 Carolinas Cup… More on this post April 4, 2011
Durham pharmacist receives award from Campbell University Durham pharmacist receives award from Campbell University Durhampharmacist Jennifer Burch, PharmD, received the 2011 M. Keith Fearing, Jr. Community Pharmacy Practice Award from Campbell University on… More on this post April 1, 2011
Campbell to hold Relay for Life event Campbell to hold Relay for Life event Buies Creek, N.C.—More than 30 teams made up of Campbell University organizations will take part in a Relay for… More on this post April 1, 2011
Campbell science experiment detects miniscule amounts of radiation from Japanese explosion Campbell science experiment detects miniscule amounts of radiation from Japanese explosion Buies Creek, N.C.—Campbell University Physics Professor Jason Ezell expected radioactive particles to reach the United States’ atmosphere after the… More on this post April 1, 2011
Winning logo for Community Garden grew from seed Winning logo for Community Garden grew from seed Buies Creek, N.C.—When Campbell University’s Office of the Campus Minister selected the name “The Mustard Seed” for the vegetable… More on this post March 31, 2011