Campbell Library moves to Wiggins Hall Campbell Library moves to Wiggins Hall Buies Creek, N.C.—How does one go about moving an entire library? With careful planning, emphasized Campbell Library Director Borree… More on this post June 15, 2010
Campbell students’ work featured on Department of Public Instruction website Campbell students’ work featured on Department of Public Instruction website Buies Creek, N.C.— To teach Civil War history to elementary and middle grade students, Campbell University student teachers will… More on this post June 15, 2010
PREP students leave Campbell with warm memories and fierce determination PREP students leave Campbell with warm memories and fierce determination Buies Creek, N.C. – From that first Saturday’s barbecue, there was something magical about the Campbell University College of… More on this post June 7, 2010
New Campbell website fine-tuned to expanding needs New Campbell website fine-tuned to expanding needs Buies Creek, N.C. – A growing enrollment, the addition of new academic programs and an upsurge in interest were… More on this post June 7, 2010
Campus Ministries plants seeds for outreach opportunity Campus Ministries plants seeds for outreach opportunity On the side of U.S. 421 South, not even one mile from the heart of Campbell University’s main… More on this post June 4, 2010
Campbell to offer Get the Edge for the SAT, a crash-course in essay writing Campbell to offer Get the Edge for the SAT, a crash-course in essay writing Buies Creek, N.C.—Campbell University professors Nathan Salsbury and Dr. Michael Ray Smith share the secrets to writing winning S.A.T.… More on this post May 27, 2010
Campbell Law School Celebrates First Graduation Ceremony in Raleigh Campbell Law School Celebrates First Graduation Ceremony in Raleigh RALEIGH, N.C. – On Friday, May 21, Campbell Law School closed its first academic year in its new location… More on this post May 25, 2010
Campbell cadet travels half-way around world to receive commission Campbell cadet travels half-way around world to receive commission Buies Creek, N.C.—On Friday, May 14, Distinguished Campbell University ROTC graduate Yuri S. Grigoryev waited patiently for his wife… More on this post May 25, 2010
English receives Dean’s Excellence in Teaching award English receives Dean’s Excellence in Teaching award Buies Creek, N.C.—Dr. Adam Crockett English, associate professor of religion in the Department of Religion and Philosophy, received the… More on this post May 25, 2010
Campbell Law School Celebrates Building Dedication and Inaugural Academic Year in Capital City Campbell Law School Celebrates Building Dedication and Inaugural Academic Year in Capital City RALEIGH, N.C. – May 19, 2010 marked the formal dedication of 225 Hillsborough Street as the Norman Adrian Wiggins… More on this post May 24, 2010