Annual End of the Year Picnic Annual End of the Year Picnic The annual CUSOM End of the Year Picnic was hosted Friday with homemade BBQ, a kickball tournament, tug-of-war, sack… More on this post May 19, 2015
Julie Lee: A soldier for public health Julie Lee: A soldier for public health Julie Lee began her journey with Campbell University in the fall of 2013 when she enrolled in the College… More on this post May 18, 2015
Campbell holds special graduation ceremony for student-athletes Campbell holds special graduation ceremony for student-athletes Members of the Campbell softball take a break from posing for pictures with their coach, Todd Bradley. Pictured below… More on this post May 11, 2015
Graduation Friday | Campbell confers 391 divinity, law & health sciences degrees Graduation Friday | Campbell confers 391 divinity, law & health sciences degrees Campbell Divinity graduates Campbell University conferred 391 degrees in divinity, law and health sciences over three graduation ceremonies on… More on this post May 8, 2015
N.C. General Assembly recognizes President Wallace N.C. General Assembly recognizes President Wallace RALEIGH — North Carolina is a better place because of Campbell University and its president, Jerry Wallace, who will… More on this post May 7, 2015
Campbell Business to offer graduate programs in downtown Raleigh Campbell Business to offer graduate programs in downtown Raleigh RALEIGH — Campbell University’s Lundy-Fetterman School of Business will begin offering its part-time Master of Business Administration (MBA) at Campbell… More on this post May 6, 2015
Campbell to hold spring 2015 graduation exercises Friday, Saturday About Campbell Campbell to hold spring 2015 graduation exercises Friday, Saturday BUIES CREEK — On May 8-9 Campbell University will confer nearly 1,000 degrees over six commissioning and commencement ceremonies that… More on this post May 4, 2015
MS-II’s Haley & Zulty Awarded ACOFP Namey/Burnett Memorial Writing Award MS-II’s Haley & Zulty Awarded ACOFP Namey/Burnett Memorial Writing Award Second Year Medical Students Meredith Haley and Mary Zulty were awarded First Place in the ACOFP Namey/Burnett Memorial Writing… More on this post May 4, 2015
Pediatrics Club Helps Local Child Obtain Therapy Dog Pediatrics Club Helps Local Child Obtain Therapy Dog The CUSOM chapter of the American College of Osteopathic Pediatricians (ACOP) recently hosted a bake sale and raised $750.00… More on this post April 30, 2015
Daniel Moses Named CUSOM Student DO of the Year Daniel Moses Named CUSOM Student DO of the Year Daniel Moses, 2nd Year medical student, was named CUSOM’s Student DO of the Year. The Student DO of the… More on this post April 30, 2015