Author holds students in palm of his hand Author holds students in palm of his hand Buies Creek, N.C.-You could have heard a pin drop in Turner Auditorium on March 4, when best-selling author Cecil… More on this post March 16, 2009
Campbell composer’s works selected for new CD Campbell composer’s works selected for new CD Buies Creek, N.C.-Two works by Campbell University piano professor and composer Betty Wishart were selected for inclusion in a… More on this post March 8, 2009
Jesse Helms biographer to be Moore Humanities Lecturer Jesse Helms biographer to be Moore Humanities Lecturer Buies Creek, N.C. – Dr. William A. Link’s new book, “Jesse Helms and the Modern Conservative Revolution,” has already… More on this post February 26, 2009
Local students read poetry to seniors Local students read poetry to seniors William Blake, Denise Levertov, Robert Frost and William Wordsworth were just some of the authors residents from Harnett Manor… More on this post February 22, 2009
Campbell University student invited to national Athletic Trainers’ Association’s iLead Campbell University student invited to national Athletic Trainers’ Association’s iLead Buies Creek- Jonathan P. Howard, a Campbell University student from Garner, N.C., will be among those traveling to Washington,… More on this post February 19, 2009
Expert on Dead Sea Scrolls examines another ancient mystery at Campbell lecture Expert on Dead Sea Scrolls examines another ancient mystery at Campbell lecture Buies Creek, N.C.-A news story about an ancient burial box that supposedly contained the remains of Jesus and James,… More on this post February 15, 2009
Campbell students help others with their creative ideas Campbell students help others with their creative ideas RALEIGH – WE are a success. “WE” is the phrase Campbell University students conceived to capture the selfless work… More on this post February 9, 2009
Platt previews excerpt from his book on Virginia intelligence Platt previews excerpt from his book on Virginia intelligence Buies Creek, N.C. — The life of a low profile barrister takes an intriguing turn when he volunteers for… More on this post February 8, 2009
Campbell University presents “Voice of the Prairie” Campbell University presents “Voice of the Prairie” Buies Creek, N.C.-Playwright John Olive attempts to answer some of life’s most salient questions in “Voice of the Prairie,”… More on this post February 1, 2009
Professor brings Dead Sea Scrolls to life in Campbell lecture Professor brings Dead Sea Scrolls to life in Campbell lecture Buies Creek, N.C.-The Dead Sea Scrolls have fascinated scholars since their discovery in 1947. Dr. Jodi Magness, Kenan Distinguished… More on this post January 29, 2009