For Vaughan the reward has been the students Campus & Community For Vaughan the reward has been the students When English Department Chair Dr. Frank Vaughan retires from Campbell University, it won’t be the money he’ll miss. Vaughan,… More on this post April 28, 2010
Professorship established in memory of influential Campbell president Professorship established in memory of influential Campbell president Buies Creek, N.C.-Campbell University announced the establishment of an endowed professorship in memory of Dr. Norman Adrian Wiggins, the… More on this post April 26, 2010
Campbell Physician Assistant program receives $100,000 grant Campbell Physician Assistant program receives $100,000 grant Buies Creek, N.C.-Campbell University’s Physician Assistant (PA) program, set to launch in 2011, has received a $100,000 grant from… More on this post April 26, 2010
Skillet sizzles Skillet sizzles Doors opened for the concert at 6:30 and the line of people wrapped around the block. On April 23,… More on this post April 25, 2010
Inasmuch marks end of year, beginning of relationships Inasmuch marks end of year, beginning of relationships In the midst of upcoming finals, impending graduation and dreams of summer plans, hundreds of Campbell students and faculty… More on this post April 18, 2010
Bronze Sculpture of Dr. Norman Adrian Wiggins Dedicated at Law School Bronze Sculpture of Dr. Norman Adrian Wiggins Dedicated at Law School RALEIGH, N.C. – On the morning of April 9, friends, family, Campbell Law faculty, staff and representatives from the… More on this post April 11, 2010
Campbell’s Ann Ortiz and the Huckleberry Brothers perform at N.C. Museum Campbell’s Ann Ortiz and the Huckleberry Brothers perform at N.C. Museum Buies Creek, N.C.-On the way to carving out a niche as a foreign language professor at Campbell University, Dr.… More on this post April 7, 2010
Actors fly through production of “Two Donuts” at Campbell Actors fly through production of “Two Donuts” at Campbell Buies Creek, N.C.- A grant in the amount of $2,000 from the Harnett County Arts Council lends wings to… More on this post April 6, 2010
Senior exhibit reflects variety of approaches Senior exhibit reflects variety of approaches Buies Creek, N.C.-From a perfectly rendered foot complete with glossy red nail polish to an impressionistic interpretation of a… More on this post April 4, 2010
Divinity School expands ministry opportunities with new concentration Divinity School expands ministry opportunities with new concentration Buies Creek, N.C.-The Campbell Divinity School has introduced a new Master of Divinity concentration that addresses a desperate need… More on this post April 4, 2010