Campbell to create modern laboratories for science programs Campbell to create modern laboratories for science programs Buies Creek, N.C.– Whether their scientific interest lies with studying organisms from local ponds or experimenting with the Kinetic… More on this post March 3, 2010
Fayetteville resident receives Campbell Outstanding Student Award Fayetteville resident receives Campbell Outstanding Student Award Buies Creek, N.C.-Sara Beth Felts, of Fayetteville, N.C., was named an Outstanding Student of the Campbell University School of… More on this post March 3, 2010
BLT members present check to Leukemia and Lymphoma Society BLT members present check to Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Buies Creek, N.C. – What do you get when you combine 10 donated golf rounds, 11 hole sponsors, nine… More on this post February 28, 2010
Communication honor society holds induction ceremony Communication honor society holds induction ceremony Buies Creek, N.C. — On Thursday, Feb. 25, the Sigma Upsilon chapter of communication honor society Lambda Pi Eta… More on this post February 28, 2010
Who did it? Campbell students play detective in forensics course Who did it? Campbell students play detective in forensics course Buies Creek, N.C.-A child has been kidnapped. Inside a deteriorating clapboard house, students collect evidence for a possible murder… More on this post February 10, 2010
Campbell students to compete in regional Mock Trial Campbell students to compete in regional Mock Trial Buies Creek – Ten students from Campbell University will compete in a regional Mock Trial competition sponsored by the… More on this post February 4, 2010
Davy’s book is as funny as a heart attack Campus & Community Davy’s book is as funny as a heart attack Buies Creek, N.C. – In 2008, Campbell English Professor Dr. Alan Davy was diagnosed with a defective heart valve.… More on this post January 28, 2010
Watercolors by Campbell’s Danny Rodgers on display at Harnett Arts Council Watercolors by Campbell’s Danny Rodgers on display at Harnett Arts Council Buies Creek, N.C.-A collection of approximately 30 watercolors by Campbell University Graphic Design Professor Daniel Rodgers are currently on… More on this post January 7, 2010
Campbell launches marketing, healthcare management degree programs Campbell launches marketing, healthcare management degree programs Buies Creek – Campbell University’s Lundy-Fetterman School of Business will launch two new undergraduate business majors in fall 2010:… More on this post December 17, 2009
Campbell’s name heard round the world Campbell’s name heard round the world On Dec. 3, 2009, Campbell University communications studies professor Dr. Michael Ray Smith debated the topic of “Google vs.… More on this post December 9, 2009